Eschewing the Binary: Sex and Gender Science in Human and Non-human Animal Research
This Collection is an occasion to highlight recent research and emerging perspectives on the interaction of sex and gender as well as to convene a conversation about how the social influences the biological, and in turn, how that interaction affects individuals.
Sex/Gender Differences in Social Determinants of Health at Specialized Centers of Research Excellence (SCORE) on Sex Differences
We invite invites SCOR(E) Directors to submit articles from their Specialized Centers of Research (Excellence) addressing sex/gender differences in social determinants of health as it pertains to their health topics of focus.
Sex/Gender Differences in Cancer
We invite authors to submit articles to this Collection addressing the mechanisms underlying sex/gender differences in cancer incidence, treatment response, and survival.
Sex Differences and Similarities in the Human Brain
We invite authors to submit empirical studies, meta-analyses, and theoretical articles to this Collection that aims to address on what and where sex-related variation can be found, but also how large or small, and how relevant or trivial these differences seem to be.
Sex Differences in COVID-19
We welcome submissions of original articles and reviews on preclinical and clinical research in which findings of new sex differences in COVID-19 are reported. We are particularly interested in studies in which potential mechanisms are tested.
Sex Differences in Development
We are interested in primary research or review articles that address sex differences in development that are influenced by environmental, social, genetic, hormonal, or other biological factors. Outcome measures may include brain, behavior and/or physiological processes in children/adolescents or animal models of these processes.
Sex differences in response to androgens: physiological and pathophysiological
Guest Editor: Licy Yanes Cardozo
Hypertension, preeclampsia, renal and cardiovascular disease in pregnancy
Guest Editor: Vesna Garovic
Sex Differences in Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and the Microbiome
Guest Editor: Kate Denton