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Fig. 5 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 5

From: The role of microRNAs in understanding sex-based differences in Alzheimer’s disease

Fig. 5

GSEA of blood meta-analyses in female and male AD and control patients. A A dot plot describing the BP terms affected in female AD patients according to the gene targeted by miRNAs with significantly altered expression. Dots are colored based on log odds ratio (lor) value and their size are linked to the number of genes related to the BP. B A dot plot describing the increased BP terms in male AD patients according to the gene targeted by miRNAs with significantly altered expression. Dots are colored based on log odds ratio (lor) value and their size are linked to the number of genes related to the BP. C A tree map describing the top ten clusters of decreased BP terms in male AD patients according to the gene targeted by miRNAs with significantly altered expression

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