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Fig. 4 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 4

From: Novel insight into the lipid network of plasma extracellular vesicles reveal sex-based differences in the lipidomic profile of alcohol use disorder patients

Fig. 4

Summary of differential abundance analysis and molecular lipid profiles for each comparison. A Volcano plots summarize lipid data for IF, IM, and IS comparisons, while associated bar plots display significantly altered lipids classified by subclass and LFC. Significantly altered lipids with greater and lower abundance are shown in red and blue, respectively (p-value adjusted ≤ 0.05), in the volcano plots. Non-significant altered lipids are shown in gray. The capital letters in the volcano plots are the significantly altered lipids in at least two comparisons include, A: Cer_NDS d39:1_neg, B: Cer_NDS d42:2 RT:12.673_neg, C: Cer_NS d18:1_22:0_neg, D: Cer_NS d18:1_24:1_neg, E: Cer_NS d18:2_23:0_neg, F: EtherPC 16:0e_18:2_neg, G: FA 22:0 RT:6.523_neg, H: PC 32:3 RT:6.415_pos, I: PI 18:0_18:2_neg, J: SM d18:2_24:0_neg, K: Cer_NDS d42:1_neg, L: Cer_NS d18:1_24:0_neg, M: EtherPC 38:5e_neg, N: EtherPE 16:1e_22:6_neg, O: PC 18:2_20:4_neg, P: SM d37:2_pos, Q: Cer_NDS d18:0_18:0 RT:12.135_neg, R: PC 39:4_pos, S: SM d42:4_neg, T: TG 18:1_18:1_20:1_pos, U: TG 54:7_pos. Neg: negative ion mode, pos: positive ion mode. B Upset plot of the differential abundance analysis of lipids. Data from each comparison are separated according to the LFC sign. Horizontal bars indicate the number of significant lipids in each comparison (a specific color for each comparison). Vertical bars indicate the lipids included in the intersection of the groups denoted with a colored dot underneath. A colored dot under a bar indicates the specificity of the lipids in this group. C Analysis of the enriched significantly altered lipid subclasses by LSEA. Dot colors represent the sign and magnitude of the change (LOR). IF impact of AUD in females (orange), IM impact of AUD in males (purple), IS impact of sex in AUD (blue)

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