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Table 2 Body weight (BW) and seminal vesicle weight of InT-control, CsX, CsX-TRT, CsX-DRT, CsX-LST, CsX-LST-TRT, and CsX-TRT-Tfm male rats

From: Hypogonadal hypertension in male Sprague-Dawley rats is renin-angiotensin system-dependent: role of endogenous androgens


Week 0, BW (g)

Week 10, BW (g)

Week 15, BW (g)

Seminal vesicle (g·100 g of BW−1)


339 ± 8a+

433 ± 12a#

439 ± 14a#

0.29 ± 0.013a


383 ± 22b+

457 ± 22a#

458 ± 27a#

0.02 ± 0.001c


374 ± 7b+

433 ± 7a#

446 ± 8a#

0.33 ± 0.018a


519 ± 13c+

594 ± 17c#

670 ± 26c*

0.10 ± 0.003d


385 ± 4b+

456 ± 8a#

462 ± 11a#

0.03 ± 0.001b


374 ± 3b+

432 ± 4a#

453 ± 5a*

0.34 ± 0.025a


401 ± 23b+

487 ± 16b#

525 ± 20b#

  1. Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats: intact (InT), bilaterally castrated (CsX), and CsX with TES therapy (CsX-TRT; 1.75 mg kg−1; sc, 2x/week) or DHT therapy (CsX-DRT;1.00 mg kg−1; sc, 2x/week). In a separate experiment, CsX males were given losartan drinking water (250 mg L−1) without (CsX-LST) or with TES therapy (CsX-LST-TRT; 1.75 mg kg−1; sc, 2x/week). Testicular feminized male (Tfm) rats were castrated and given TES therapy (CsX-TRT-Tfm). Data are means ± SEM (n = 6-13 rats per group).
  2. a-cMean values within each column for BW (week 0, 10, and 15) and seminal vesicle weight without common superscript are significantly different (0.0001 ≤ P ≤ 0.02)
  3. +, #, *Mean values for BW within each row for each of the experimental groups (InT-control, CsX, CsX-TRT, CsX-DRT, CsX-LST, CsX-LST-TRT, and CsX-TRT-Tfm) over time (week 0, 10, and 15) without common superscript are significantly different (0.0001 ≤ P ≤ 0.02)