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Table 2 Echocardiography parameters reflecting the structure and functioning of left ventricle in sham-operated male pigs (controls) and right ventricle paced pigs with induced heart failure

From: Sex differences in porcine left ventricular myocardial remodeling due to right ventricular pacing



LVEDV, relative increase, %





Controls, females

187.5 ± 35.9

115.6 ± 19.7

60.1 ± 8.4

1.43 ± 0.21

0.32 ± 0.04

1.42 ± 0.15

Mild HF, females

197.1 ± 50.5

122.9 ± 23.9

31.7 ± 12.7*

2.24 ± 0.34*

0.32 ± 0.10

2.65 ± 1.62

Moderate HF, females

273.8 ± 66.3*

122.6 ± 14.9

41.2 ± 16.9*

1.94 ± 0.49*

0.28 ± 0.04

1.91 ± 0.40

Severe HF, females

276.2 ± 104.8

99.5 ± 12.4

19.6 ± 6*

2.32 ± 0.19*

0.29 ± 0.06

2.61 ± 1.68

Controls, males

192.4 ± 24.0

120.5 ± 44.8

53.5 ± 8.4

1.38 ± 0.18

0.35 ± 0.06

1.80 ± 0.58

Mild HF, males

238.9 ± 31.1*&

148.9 ± 58.6*

42.4 ± 12.7*

1.96 ± 0.28

0.26 ± 0.05*

2.24 ± 0.87

Moderate HF, males

296.7 ± 41.8*

126.4 ± 62.0

28.0 ± 13.4*

1.98 ± 0.36*

0.27 ± 0.04*

2.51 ± 1.41

Severe HF, males

288.7 ± 34.3*&

96.0 ± 40.5

20.2 ± 6.4*

2.59 ± 0.28*

0.28 ± 0.06*

2.33 ± 0.68

  1. HF heart failure, LVEDV left ventricular end-diastolic volume, LVEDV, relative increase relative increase of left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV measured in end-point/LVEDV 1 month before euthanasia)*100 %; LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, RWTd relative wall thickness at end diastole (2 × LVPWd/LVEDD, LVEDD left ventrical end-diastolic diameter); LA/Ao left atrial/aorta ratio, Em/Am early diastolic to late diastolic velocity ratio. All echocardiography measures were performed directly before a euthanasia. Data are presented as means ± SD
  2. *p < 0.05 vs. control group
  3. &p < 0.05 vs. corresponding female group