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Call for Papers

Sex Differences in Response to Androgens: Physiological and Pathophysiological

Edited by Licy Yanes Cardozo, University of Mississippi Medical Center
The Editors of Biology of Sex Differences extend an invitation to submit original research articles related to sex differences in response to androgens (both physiological and pathophyiological). Androgen supplements are given to men with low or reduced levels of testosterone. They are also given to biological women who are transitioning to become trans-men. However, the mechanisms by which androgens affect organ systems are unknown. Moreover, whether responses to androgens differs in males and females is also unknown. We hope to create a collection of original research articles alongside some commissioned reviews on this important topic and invite researchers in this area to submit to the journal.
All manuscripts will undergo normal peer review and will be available online on the journal's website. Manuscripts can be submitted at any time, but to be considered for inclusion in this special collection they must be submitted by December 1, 2019. 

Read our Submission Guidelines
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