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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Sex differences in renal cell carcinoma: a single-cell analysis reveals exhausted CD8+ T-cells highly infiltrated in males

Fig. 3

Characteristics of infiltrating T/NK cells in males and females. A The UMAP plot showing different T/NK cell subtypes, colored and labeled by cell type. B The volcano plot showing DEGs between males (blue dots) and females (red dots) in different T-cells subtypes. C Boxplots illustrating the percentage of infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells in the tumor and adjacent normal kidneys of males and females. D Boxplots illustrating the percentage of infiltrating CD8+ T-cell subtypes in tumor and adjacent normal kidneys of males and females. E Differentially enriched pathways were scored per cell by GSVA in tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T-cells between males and females. F MxIF images of male and female tumors demonstrating tumor-infiltrating CD3+CD8+PD1+ T-cells. G The pie charts showing the percentage of CD8+ T-cell infiltration types. H Violin plots demonstrating CD3+, CD3+ CD8+, CD3+ CD8+ PD1+ infiltration levels in MxIF of tumors from males (n = 45) and females (n = 15). DEGs: differential gene expression; GSVA: gene set variation analysis; MxIF: multiplex immunofluorescence; UMAP: uniform manifold approximation and projection

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