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Fig. 2 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 2

From: Sex differences in muscle protein expression and DNA methylation in response to exercise training

Fig. 2

Sex-specific proteome and DNA methylome responses to an endurance training intervention and sex-specific proteome at baseline. A Volcano plot showing the sex-specific effect of 4 weeks of HIIT on the 2317 tested proteins. X-axis is the log2 of fold change in males compared to females; y-axis is the − log10 of unadjusted p-value. The 195 significant proteins (π-value < 0.005; computed according to [35]) are displayed in colours, with red dots denoting proteins with a positive coefficient in males compared to females following HIIT, and blue dots denoting those with a negative coefficient. Top 20 significant proteins are labelled. Violin plots to left indicates expression levels (arbitrary units) of SIRT3 in data pooled for sexes (upper) and stratified by sex (lower) before and after HIIT; horizontal line in violin indicates the median. B Histogram of raw p-values for the sex-specific effect of training on the proteome. E Volcano plot showing the sex-specific effect of 4 and 8 weeks of training on the 641,715 tested CpGs. The nine DMPs at a false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.005 are displayed in colorus, with red dots denoting DMPs with a larger coefficient in males, and blue dots denoting DMPs with a lower coefficient in males. C Top five Reactome pathways from gene set enrichment analysis of the differentially expressed proteins between the sexes following HIIT. D Heatmap of scaled protein expression values for the top 30 significant proteins (π-value < 0.005) that change in a sex-specific manner following HIIT. Rows are proteins ordered hierarchically according to the clustering in the female cohort; columns are female (left) and male (right) participants ordered according to hierarchical clustering within each time point. Purple denotes higher expression and orange denotes lower expression. Colour scales are separate for each sex. F Histogram of raw p-values for the sex-specific effect of training on the methylome. G Volcano plot showing the effect of sex on baseline levels 2317 tested proteins. X-axis is the log2 of fold change in males compared to females; y-axis is the − log10 of unadjusted p-value. The 82 significant proteins (π-value < 0.005; computed according to [35]) are displayed in colours, with red dots denoting proteins higher expression in males compared to females at baseline, and blue dots denoting those lower in males. Boxplot on right denote protein ACTN3 with higher expression in males compared with females at baseline

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