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Fig. 12 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 12

From: Sex differences in the transcriptome of extracellular vesicles secreted by fetal neural stem cells and effects of chronic alcohol exposure

Fig. 12

scRNAseq of GD 14.5 Murine Developing Cortex Shows that Ethanol-sensitive EV-Enriched RNA Transcripts are Abundant in Ventricular Zone Cell Lineages. A tSNE (t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding) plot of clusters identified as part of VZ, SVZ, or TPC lineages. Data extracted from NCBI/GEO (GSE158747). B tSNE plot classifying VZ, SVZ, TPC lineages as previously published [13]. Composite expression of mRNA transcripts which were significantly enriched in EVs obtained from 120 mg/dL (C) and 320 mg/dL (D)-treated NSCs; criterion cutoff of Hedges’ ‘g’ >  + 0.4. E, F The application of a threshold cutoff of > log24 for composite transcript expression shows that in vivo, neural progenitor cells of the VZ are the principal contributors of RNA transcripts that are significantly enriched in EVs following exposure of parental NSCs to 120 mg/dL (E) or 320 mg/dL (F) of ethanol, with more VZ cell clusters expressing RNA transcripts that were enriched in EVs following heavy compared to moderate ethanol exposure

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