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Table 1 Characteristics of study individuals displaying acute ethanol intoxication

From: Lipidomic landscape of circulating extracellular vesicles isolated from adolescents exposed to ethanol intoxication: a sex difference study


Males (n = 9)

Females (n = 9)

Age (years)

19.67 (0.34)

19.89 (0.50)

BALs (g/L)

2.42 (0.03)

2.12 (0.04)

Aspartate aminotransferase levels (IU/L)

30.33 (2.26)

19.11 (0.42)

Alanine aminotransferase levels (IU/L)

27.22 (3.43)

14.78 (0.49)

Alkaline phosphatase levels (IU/L)

74.22 (3.41)

59.78 (1.22)

γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase levels (IU/L)

28.22 (3.55)

12.00 (0.48)

White blood cell count/μL

8738.89 (274.88)

8173.33 (169.82)

Individuals who reported weekend drinking (%)*

6 (75.0)

8 (88.89)

  1. Quantitative variables presented as the mean (SEM), and qualitative variables presented as absolute frequencies (percentage). IU, international units. BALs: blood alcohol levels. * A single male individual refused to answer the questionnaire regarding drinking patterns