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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: A sex difference in mouse dopaminergic projections from the midbrain to basolateral amygdala

Fig. 3

tdTomato and SypGFP labels distinguish between dopaminergic axons and boutons. A Representative confocal image of the entire BLA area in a coronal section at − 2.06 bregma showing dopaminergic axons and boutons labeled by tdTomato (red) and SypGFP (green). B–D Area inside the white box in A is further enlarged for display in both red and green channels (B), red channel only (C), and green channel only (D). The image was acquired at 25× magnification. Scale bars represents 200 µm in (A) and 25 µm in B, C

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