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Fig. 1 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 1

From: Sex differences in the aging murine urinary bladder and influence on the tumor immune microenvironment of a carcinogen-induced model of bladder cancer

Fig. 1

Urinary bladder of healthy C57BL/6 mice exhibit age and sex-associated differences in immune response pathways. Enrichment of the top 10 significantly enriched and downregulated GO biological processes pathways in A females compared to age-matched males, B aged females compared to 3-month-old females and, C aged males compared to 3-month-old males. Total RNA from healthy male and female urinary bladders from different age groups was subjected to bulk-RNA sequencing. Differential expression was assessed using DESeq2 in R (1.4.0). GSEA pre-ranked analysis of whole transcriptomic log2foldchange ranked lists from DESeq2 was performed. Plots were generated using ggplot2 (3.3.5), with dot size corresponding to −log10(q-value, FDR), and the color associated with normalized enrichment score (NES). Red box highlights the enrichment in B cell receptor signaling pathway

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