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Fig. 6 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 6

From: Susceptibility of female rats to cardiac arrhythmias following refeeding after severe food restriction

Fig. 6

Effect of 3 months refeeding after severe food restriction on isolated heart function during reperfusion after ischemia. A Perfusion pressure (PP), B change in developed left-ventricular pressure (dLVP), C maximum rate of change in left ventricular pressure (Max dP/dt), D minimum rate of change in left ventricular pressure (Min dP/dt), E change in heart rate (HR), and, F percent of arrhythmias after 30 min of ischemia (I) in the basal state (B) and during the 60 min reperfusion (R) period in female (F, purple circle, red square; n = 7/group) and male (M, black circle, green square; n = 5/group) rats maintained on a normal diet for the duration of the study (CT, circle) or for 3 months after a 2-week sFR period (sFR-Refed, square). Values are expressed as the mean ± SEM; #p < 0.05 vs. CT, same timepoint, same sex and *p < 0.05 vs. F, same diet, same timepoint by two-way ANOVA mixed-model for repeated measurements and Student’s t test for individual timepoints

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