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Fig. 3 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 3

From: Prognostic value of immune-related genes and comparative analysis of immune cell infiltration in lung adenocarcinoma: sex differences

Fig. 3

GO and KEGG analysis of immune-related DEGs based on estimate score, immune score, and stromal score in female and male patients. A, C GO analysis of DEGs in female patients. B, D Circular plot demonstrating that the functional interactions between the BP, CC or MF pathways and genes extracted from GO in female patients. E, G GO analysis of DEGs in male patients. F, H Circular plot demonstrating the functional interactions between the BP, CC or MF pathways and genes extracted from GO in male patients. GO, Gene Ontology; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; BP, biological process; CC, cellular component; MF, molecular function

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