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Fig. 2 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 2

From: Long-term exercise results in morphological and biomechanical changes in coronary resistance arterioles in male and female rats

Fig. 2

Elastica staining. a Representative staining in the MSe rats. b Representative staining in Mex rats. c Representative staining in FSe rats. d Representative staining in FEx rats. e The distance of the maximum density layer of the inner elastic lamina from the endothelial surface. It was significantly increased in the FEx group compared to the FSe group. (Ftraining = 9.47, Fsex = 1.795, Fint = 2.677, dftraining = 1, dfsex = 1, dfint = 1, Ptraining = 0.01, Psex = 0.104, and Pint = 0.128). f The thickness of the inner elastic lamina increased in the MEx animals in comparison with the male sedentary animals and with the trained female group. (Ftraining = 10.574, Fsex = 13.637, Fint = 1.355, dftraining = 1, dfsex = 1, dfint = 1, Ptraining = 0.007, Psex = 0.003, and Pint = 0.267). Two-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test. Values are the means ± SEM. *P < 0.05 vs. MSe; #P < 0.05 vs. FSe; $P < 0.05 vs. MEx

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