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Fig. 5 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 5

From: Sex-dependent alterations in the physiology of entorhinal cortex neurons in old heterozygous 3xTg-AD mice

Fig. 5

Examples of electrophysiological recordings showing the firing properties of EC neurons, accordingly to the sex and the genotype. a The upper trace illustrates the maximum current injected in a neuron without reaching its excitation threshold. The lower trace represents the firing pattern obtained for a current injection of 80 pA greater than that of the upper trace in the same neuron. The protocol used is a 3-s depolarizing current injection generating a voltage response. Left recording shows the firing of a neuron from a NonTg male while a cell from a transgenic male is illustrated in the one at right. b Interevent interval between action potential of the recordings presented in the panel a. The firing accommodation corresponds to the difference between interevent interval at the beginning and the end of the train. 3xTg-AD neurons showed a lower firing adaptivity compared to NonTg cells. c The relationship between firing rate and injected current (F-I curves) from NonTg or 3xTg-AD neurons of males is illustrated in the graph on the right of the panel. The steepness of F-I slopes was increased by transgene expression in males. d, e, and f Same as a, b, and c, but it is for females. Transgene expression influenced similarly the firing activity and the firing accommodation in neurons of female mice

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