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Table 3 Differentially expressed circulating miRNAs in gestational hypertension and their effects in heart disease

From: Pregnancy-associated cardiac dysfunction and the regulatory role of microRNAs


Regulation in human pregnancy


Heart disease

Mechanism and outcome



↑ serum


Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

↑ miR-29a → ↑ cardiac hypertrophy, ↑fibrosis

[169, 170]

Mouse TAC

↓ miR-29a → ↓ cardiac hypertrophy, ↓fibrosis


ET-1 in H9c2 cardiomyocytes

↓ NFATc4 → ↓ cardiomyocyte hypertrophy



↓ plasma


Mouse LAD ligation

↓ bak1, ↓ klf13 →

↓ cardiomyocyte apoptosis



↑ serum


Human with AMI or unstable angina

↑ oxidative stress marker lipid hydroperoxide


Rat LAD ligation

↓ TGF-β type III receptor in cardiac fibroblasts → ↑ collagen I, ↑ fibronectin


Rat abdominal aortic constriction

↓ miR-181a → ↑ ATG5 → ↑ hypertrophy


  1. AMI acute myocardial infarction, ATG5 autophagy-related 5, GH gestational hypertension, LAD left anterior descending, MI myocardial infarction, miR microRNA, TGF-β transforming growth factor-beta