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Fig. 1 | Biology of Sex Differences

Fig. 1

From: Sex-related DNA methylation differences in B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Fig. 1

a MvsFinCLL: significant DNA methylation difference probes between male and female CLL patients; MvsFinCon: significant DNA methylation difference probes between healthy men and women; Diff: significant interaction term. b Mean β of each probe in each group was used. c Autosomal DMPs stratified by gene features (TSS200, TSS1500, 1stExon, 5′UTR, Body, IGR) and CpG features (Island, Shore, Shelf, Open Sea). d Each dot represented the mean β value of DMPs. e Autosomal DMPs stratified by autosomes. f Top 25 autosomal DMPs. Black bar indicated the median β value of each group. Black number in each probe above indicated q value in controls, and red number indicated q value in CLL. Probes marked with an asterisk indicated the replicated DMPs

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