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Table 2 Overall strategies for incorporating SGBM into undergraduate medical education

From: Workshop summaries from the 2015 Sex and Gender Medical Education Summit: utilization of sex and gender based medical education resources and creating student competencies

Developmental stage




Raise awareness

SGBM Education Summit [1]

Identify stakeholders and formulate a SGBM advisory committee

Source experts, educational experts, certifying and assessment agencies, medical school deans, faculty, students

Assess curricular need

Needs assessment survey

Collaborate with core faculty

Medical education deans and directors, curriculum development faculty of preclinical and clinical instruction, course leaders

Review existing curricula for adaptation components

Alpert Medical School of Brown University [9]

Texas Tech University Health Science Center [10]

Charité Hospital (Germany) [11]

Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) [12]

The Institute of Gender and Health (Canada) [13]

The University of Toronto’s Collaborative Graduate Program in Women’s Health (Canada) [14]


Integrate resources into existing educational activities

Texas Tech University SGBM Curriculum: clinical cases, slide library, and learning modules [10]. PubMed Search Tool [15]

Faculty development

Texas Tech University Laura W. Bush Institute for Women’s Health “Y does X make a difference” SGBM continuing medical education [16], collaborative planning and implementation of skills development and team-building among faculty, development of a train-the-trainer approach.

National organizations

Liaison Committee on Medical Education

Association of American Medical Colleges

Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative

American Medical Women’s Association

Student involvement

Identify student leaders to join SGBM Advisory Committee

Develop shared materials

Online modules, educational portfolios, premade lecture slides, smartphone technology


Student assessment

Incorporate into existing student assessments of written exams, participation in problem-based learning small group sessions, and core clerkship performance-based methods

Program evaluation

Interprofessional education and patient-centered outcome measurement. Consider W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s Logic Model [17]