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Table 1 Depression in disease states: sex differences

From: Not all depression is created equal: sex interacts with disease to precipitate depression


Baseline sex difference

Comorbid depression:

Disease, sex, & depression:



M > F

Between 6-55%; suicide 5-25 higher; depression most associated with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE); bidirectionality

No sex difference; possibly M > F in left TLE associated depression

[9, 13–15, 17, 19–22, 30]

Alzheimer’s disease

F > M (but M > F for morbidity)

35-50%; depressive symptoms in 86%; bidirectionality

History of depression greater risk factor for AD in men; female mice more susceptible to social disinhibition

[10, 36, 38–42]


Type dependent: Liver: M > F Lung: M > F (but F > M given same risk factors) Thyroid: F > M

Up to 40%, depending on type of cancer and severity; bidirectionality

Type and severity dependent; if stratify by severity, sex difference (F > M) is diminished

[11, 50, 53, 72–76]

Cardiovascular disease

Age dependent: M > F younger than 45; F > M older than 45

15-20%; 1/3 of stroke patients; bidirectionality

F > M; approximately twice as high in females or an equivalent ratio to the baseline depressed population

[4, 12, 86, 87, 89, 90]